ENACT General Assembly in Paris

On the 22-23rd January, the ENACT consortium had the pleasure of visiting Gendarmerie Nationale in Paris our General Assembly. This meeting provided a great opportunity to come together to coordinate and finalise the first phase of the project with discussions focused on the network set up activities. These actions will finish at the end of February when … Read more

ENACT presented at the EUCB Plenary Meeting

During the beginning of November 2023, the European Clearing Board (EuCB), together with the Spanish National Police and Europol Innovation Lab, have organized the EuCB’s Plenary Meeting that was held in Gran Canaria, Spain. This event counted with the participation of several representatives from Law Enforcement Agencies, as well as with some other actors from … Read more

Annual Event of the EU Innovation Hub 

The 2023 edition of the EU Innovation Hub for Internal Security Annual Event took place in Brussels, Belgium, on October 3, focusing on the theme “Shaping responsible solutions for internal security.” Approximately 180 participants attended, including representatives from various EU Agencies, the European Commission, and agencies and institutions from multiple EU Member States, as well … Read more

ENACT launched in Lisbon

On 12-13th September, we were delighted to kick-off the ENACT project at the Polícia Judiciária premises in Lisbon. A knowledge network funded under the Horizon Europe programme, ENACT focuses on building and strengthening research, networking and cooperation in the security R&I community to improve the fight against crime and terrorism. Coordinated by the Polícia Judiciária … Read more