
Throughout the project, ENACT will produce several reports, outcomes and products that aim to give back the knowledge generated to the FCT community. Where these results can be made public, they are shared below.

Flash Reports

ENACT will produce on-demand flash reports. Read the first of these reports below.

Advanced In-Depth Expert Reports

ENACT will produce both internal analytical reports and commission external advanced expert reports on specific topics.

External Expert Reports

ENACT will commission experts to produce in-depth expert reports on specific and emerging topics. These reports will be published below.

ENACT Analytical Reports

Periodically, ENACT will share expert reports created by our internal experts on key topics surrounding the FCT ecosystem.

Stakeholder Map and Network

ENACT will produce a stakeholder and map for the FCT domain.

FCT Maps from ENACT Observatories

The ENACT observatories will produce periodic reports from their findings.

Annual FCT State of Play Policy Report

Each year ENACT will summarise the outcomes of the Observatories’ work to feed into an annual FCT policy report.


ENACT public deliverables will be shared below.

Scientific Publications

Coming soon.

Validation Guidelines and Solutions Portfolio

More information will be available later in the project.

Pathways to Impact Report

More information will be available later in the project.