This CERIS event will focus on chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive (CBRNe) issues, and will take place within the CBRNE R&I Conference in Strasbourg on the 21st March 2024. This event will be animated by EU-funded projects (Horizon Europe, ECHO Prevention, European Defence Fund and others) as well as by CBRNe actors (policy-makers, first responders, small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)/industry, civil society) who will come together to discuss and exchange experiences and expertise. Agenda covers context-setting keynote speeches from European Commission Directorates with an interest in this area and will then proceed within four thematic panels, namely:
- CBRN Risk Governance– From knowledge of multi-hazard risks and vulnerabilities to preparedness and response, Societal (CBRN) Resilience
- Technologies for 1st and 2nd responders, Detection and monitoring of CBRN threats
- Anticipating tomorrow’s crises, preparedness, training and adapting response means, and
- Interoperability (including technologies, training, guidelines-standards).
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